Apply Cash Advance to an Expense

Apply Cash Advance to an Expense in ExpensePoint Mobile App.

If you have used the Cash Advance to pay for an Expense, you can apply it towards the expense while editing your Expense. 

You can do so by going into the go to My Reports module from the Expense navigation tab. 


Select the relevant Expense Report first, then the Expense to which you would like to Apply the Cash Advance. 

Once you have the Expense screen opened, go to the Payment Type field, and select the Paid with Cash Advance option. 

When done, tap on the Save icon or the Save menu option from the hamburger menu. 

Additionally, you can add Comments to this report, by going into the hamburger menu and tapping on Comments menu option. 

Learn how to add a comment link

The Cash Advance and the Expense with the cash advance applied on it will show a cumulative amount under the Expense Report total. 

However, by switching from the Line Item View to the Detail View, you will see the Settlement Breakdown with the accurate calculations for the Cash Advance Issued and Applied, Expenses total, as well as the Amount Due by the Company.