Modify Role

To modify a role, go to Modify Role option from the Role Tasks navigation menu on the left side of the screen. 

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This will open the Role Editor window with 3 main tabs: 

  • General 
  • Approvers 
  • Approver Groups 

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Under the General tab you will be able to modify the: 

  • Role Name 
  • Approval Condition 

Edit the text from the Role Name filed if you need to modify the Role name. 

To adjust the Approval Condition, click on any existing conditions to Remove if no longer needed.  Learn more about Removing Conditions from this article

Or, to create a new Approval Condition click on the Add button. 

Learn more about adding Approval Condition from this article




The Approver tab will allow you to Add or Delete Approver Users included the Role you are modifying. 

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Approver Groups 

Similarly, you can Add or Remove a group of approvers, by going into the Approver Groups tab from the Role Editor

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This will include the table of all your available Approver Groups


Watch the video below about Modifying a Role.