View Expenses in an Expenses Report

View Expenses in an Expenses Report in ExpensePoint Mobile App.

To view your Expense Reports, go to My Reports module from the Expense navigation tab. 

If you have previously created any Expense Reports, then they will show up on the list. 

Otherwise, the list will be empty. Learn more how to Create an Expense Report. 

 The list will display all of your unsubmitted Expense Reports.  

Each line item from the Expense Report screen will show: 

  • The report name 
  • The amount of expenses it includes 
  • The total $ amount 
  • Call to Action requiring any attention/editing from you 
  • The presence/absence of a comment for the report  

To view the Details of an expense report, tap on a report from the list. The details screen will open, and you can view all the Expenses for the selected Expense Report

When reviewing the details of an Expense Report, by default the first tab will open listing all of the Expenses line items. 

In the upper part of an Expense Report Details screen you will see 4 tabs options for the View

  • The expenses line items for the selected report 
  • Expenses grouped by Settlement Breakdown and Category Breakdown 
  • Expenses category summary 
  • Expenses graph for the categories  

On the Expense Report Details screen you can view the expenses line items that include: 

  • The Category 
  • The vendor names 
  • Total $ amount of the expense 
  • The date this expense occurred 
  • The status of the expense 
  • The presence/absence of a comment to it